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Search results

  1. Arylett Charnoa

    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

    I believe you're automatically considered to have joined if you post. Because too many people like those ponies to list.
  2. Arylett Charnoa

    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

    Just saw the latest episode. Heh, I loved the Star Wars ending! And the music was indeed fantastic... just wish I could hear more of it. Generally, I liked it. Even if it was kind of cliché and what was expected. Still though, I did like the part where Discord was kind of starting to get on my...
  3. Arylett Charnoa

    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

    I'm wondering too. And what he can do to her as well. Is he going to convince her that using her magic is evil and hypnotize her into not being able to use it? He already took away her horn once, so that also takes away her magic and element...
  4. Arylett Charnoa

    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

    I watched it too just now! Ha ha, I liked Fluttershy in this episode too! Discord's attempt to fool her almost failing had me amused. It was really good! A lot better than the first episode of Season 1. I may not know much about Star Trek, but I do know I like Discord. He was epic and had a...
  5. Arylett Charnoa

    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

    My cutie mark would be this symbol that you always see in my signature. (Only the red symbol, not the whole, black and white background.) And ah, Moonwalka, which pony is mine?
  6. Arylett Charnoa

    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

    Oh, you need to have an LJ to do it. It's a community. Here.
  7. Arylett Charnoa

    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

    Ah, I did that stamping thing too! Apparently: Also, the pony creator is quite fun to play around with. :> It means I can be lazy and not have to draw up ponies since apparently I have trouble emulating the style of the show.
  8. Arylett Charnoa

    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

    I completely agree. This is now officially my favourite episode in the series. I felt each story was well done and made a whole lot of sense. And because I am a sap... I did find it cute. I kinda wished Scootaloo would shut up, because I wanted to hear more! Oh and young Fluttershy is one of the...
  9. Arylett Charnoa

    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

    I must be the only one who... doesn't really like Pinkie Pie. I don't know, I guess she sometimes gets on my nerves. But my favourite pony is Fluttershy or Rarity. Fluttershy because well, I can relate to her and she's all soft-spoken and cute. Also, I really like her design. And Rarity because...
  10. Arylett Charnoa

    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

    I'm pretty much like Fluttershy the most out of all of them. Her shyness, like I said before, is an accurate portrayal to me... I'm pretty much like that in real life. Although I can be as abrasive as Rainbow Dash too.
  11. Arylett Charnoa

    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

    I think it's a bit extreme to assume that there are religious overtones in that episode... I mostly agree with what Rainbow Dash said. Also, kids don't honestly pay attention to any of that. I think sometimes people give kids too much credit. I remember when I was one, I didn't understand half...
  12. Arylett Charnoa

    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

    WHOA! I leave for a few hours and ACTIVITY EXPLOSION. ...No pun intended. (I'm too lazy to quote, so there won't be any in this post.) Thank you, Doctor. :3 Ha ha, I love ponies, Moonwalka! Really amazing and well-designed. Especially Doctor's. I just love the colour scheme on that one...
  13. Arylett Charnoa

    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

    You are awesome. Seriously, I think it's cool how you can keep up rhyming for so long and not make it sound awful/annoying. You get serious props for that. As for the answer to what my cutie mark would be... well, I think I'll answer it with this: (Ponies are harder to draw than they look...
  14. Arylett Charnoa

    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

    I came into this show, trying to dislike it... and my God, even if the lessons/morals at the end are cheesy and I don't really like the whole friendship thing, it DRAWS ME IN and I don't know why. Maybe it's the pretty artwork which I find sickingly sweet and unnatural, yet SO shiny and...
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